Reputation management on the web

Creation of an impeccable Internet image

Reputation on the Web is just as important as the business reputation of your company. Unhappy customers and unscrupulous competitors can easily ruin your image on the Web. Fortunately, there is a way to restore users’ trust and partners’ loyalty. We know how to manage it!

What reputation management on the Web gives you

"Black PR" protection
Increase of user’s loyalty
Control of discussions about you and your company
Indirect advertising and new users attraction

Advantages of reputation management on the Web at JetBrain

Let us protect your reputation and then, searching your name or your company name, users will see positive characteristics and relevant information but not complaints and slanders.

Elimination of negative and untruthful information about you
Filling the information vacuum with positive characteristics and feedbacks
Work with opinion leaders in order to create a positive image
Regular monitoring of the information field

Components of effective reputation management on the Web


Monitoring of reputation state

We study how often there is a reference to you in the Internet, who writes about you and what the context is. We identify mentions with a negative connotation, inaccurate data and sites, where there is no information about you at all, although it would be useful there.

SERM – Search Engine Reputation Management

We will detect search results with impartial information about you and replace them with truthful, up-to-date information that forms a positive image.

Reputation PR

In order to form a positive reputation, we organize a PR-campaign that is based on the preparation of articles, notes, publications in social networks, press releases and other materials about you.

Work with opinion leaders and reputation managers

We involve experts in addressing conflict situations and authoritative Internet users, whose opinion will help to influence your positive image.

What affects the cost of reputation management on the Web

Your popularity or your brand awareness
Sphere of your business
Presence of "problem" moments