SEO at development stage

Basic site optimization for the Internet promotion

Even at the stage of site development, we implement layout, taking into account further search optimization. You will achieve much greater efficiency, save time and money by setting out a system from scratch.

What SEO layout gives you

Total readiness of a site for promotion
Site optimization for fast downloading
Website adaptation for mobile devices
SEO cost reduction in future

Advantages of SEO at development stage at JetBrain

Our SEO-specialists will conduct a full-scale site preparation for promotion by controlling correspondence to all relevant requirements of search engines and applying modern tools for optimization.

Convenient interface for further changes
Matching with current Google SEO Guide and Page Speed Insights
Fastest search engine indexation
Provision of tools for optimizer’s work

Components of effective SEO at development stage


Connection to Google-tools

for webmasters, as well as those tools offered by other search engines for more flexible management and better ranking in the SERP.

Technical site adaptation.

Meta tags and headers descriptions, setting up of URL and redirects, development of page 404, mobile version, other technical possibilities for further search optimization.

Fast loading optimization.

All site resources are checked by us and configured to accelerate the downloading in accordance with the requirements of Page Speed Insights.

Social networks integration.

Pages optimization for more competent and effective content management on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

What affects the cost of SEO at development stage

Initial project state
Uniqueness of requirements for optimization
Search engines that need optimization
Internet segment (Russian, English, etc.) the site is optimized for