Kernel holds a leading position in Ukraine's agribusiness sector. It is a producer and exporter of sunflower oil and one of Ukraine's largest grain exporters. The company includes dozens of enterprises across Ukraine, and Kernel's counterparties and investors include companies from all over the world.
Key moments
A map of assets
Implemented an interactive map in a vector format, which scales without quality loss
Investors’ page
Structured the report information, installed an information panel integrated with the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Integration with external services
The site’s sections are integrated with the internal system of tenders and with a vacancy service from as well as with Mailchimp mailshot service
Media gallery
Conveniently- structured photos and videos with the news shown in a pop-up window

To upgrade the old site, namely:

  • to change the structure
  • to finalize functionality
  • to make a more informative and convenient section for investors
  • to make the site more convenient for work with both local (suppliers, subsidiaries) and foreign (export, investors) markets
Pecularities in the work on the project
  • To implement the project a huge team was brought from both our company’s and the client company’s sides.
  • A large decision-making vertical – long approval obtaining at different stages of the site development
  • For the main page a number of design alternatives were produced. Based on them some interactive prototypes were created, so that the top management of the client company could have an idea about the site’s capabilities.
  • A huge amount of information was processed and to structure it effectively very different functionality was used: a multi-level menu, infographics, tabs, bookmarks etc.
In the work on the site we:
  • Prepared a graphic reflection of the company’s business model with pop-up windows describing each stage.
  • Worked out an interactive map of assets.
  • Structured the report information.
  • On the investors’ page installed an information panel integrated with the Warsaw Stock Exchange and showing the current cost of Kernel’s shares.
  • Introduced a convenient media gallery and a news show format.
  • Developed the Tenders section which integrates with the internal system of tenders.
  • Integrated the site with Mailchimp mailshot service and a vacancy service from
  • Prepared an adaptive version of the site for mobile devices
  • Developed an access capability to the administrative part with splitting into roles.